Let’s begin!

What I love most about children’s books-and there is a lot to love- is that a single one can make such an impact on a person’s life. I don’t think we ever truly forget the books we read as children and our favourites stick with us. While there are many books that impacted my life, one in particular has prompted my journey into the world of writing for children.


My copy of this book still has my aunt’s name scribbled in pencil on the inside cover and is held together with yellowing scotch tape. It may be old but it is magical. The Golden Book of Fairy Tales is a brilliant anthology of our beloved (Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast)and more obscure (Green Snake, The Wild Swans, and Silvershod) tales. These wonderful classic tales are brilliantly complemented by stunning illustrations by artist Adrienne Segur.


The Golden Book of Fairy Tales has inspired me to this day. If it weren’t for this book I may have never begun writing A Fairy’s Tale which I am thrilled to say should be available through Amazon Kindle within the next few months. That is why I love children’s books because they have the power to bring out the best in us and to keep on imagining well into adulthood.

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